Faith Promise Plan (affectionately referred to as FPP) is a great way to get into the action.
FPP is an opportunity for everyone, regardless of age, to be a part of what God is doing in the world. FPP is faith commitment to monthly give whatever amount that God lays upon the givers heart. First, pray about it. Then in faith believe that God is going to provide that amount for you to give and write the check. You will be amazed at how God comes through and honors your faith commitment!
The amount might be a $1 a month for children or a $1000 a month for others. It really is between the person and God, but the blessings flow as you become a part of reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The missions committee prayerfully sets a goal for FPP and then shares that goal with the church. In 2014, the goal was $72,000, and it was met and surpassed! For 2015, the goal is $76,000. With FPP, TSMC supports 15 different missionaries serving in various places around the world, and 5 other missionary groups, such as SC Fellowship of Christian Athletes, The Voice of the Martyrs, Boys Farm in Newberry SC, Chosen People Ministries and Gideon’s International.
The bottom line is this. When we give, God blesses and lives are changed!
It is never to late to get into FPP. Just put your offering in a missions envelope or mark your check memo “FPP.”